Friday, August 12, 2011

触动 爱情

在每一次的考试或测验后,身心疲惫的我并不想再无止境的继续读书,好想找个机会好好的休息。想逛逛街,看看电影.. 可是,最近的考试就像滔滔的浪水,一浪接一浪的,永无止境的向我扑面而来。今天的考题,有些题目是比较简单的,这些我都答得不错,但是具有挑战性的第二题,我可是绞尽脑汁都无法回答,在这时眼看每个朋友都信心满满的把他们的考卷递交上去,真的更让我喘不过气来。直到最后的一秒钟,我还是依依不舍的将我的试卷交给了老师。现在只能希望在别的题目上,是没有其他的错误。

经过几番通宵的努力,现在的最我期待的是下星期三潘玮柏在金宝拉曼大学的签唱会!到时,我终于有机会近距离目睹潘帅的样子了!最近,我爱上了一首歌,是潘帅最新专辑808的一首歌 -- 触动。 每当我听这一首歌曲时,都会觉得很满足,“触动”这首歌的旋律能够让我的心情顿时开朗起来.. 每一次听,都不会厌倦它的感觉,四个字--百听不厌!


大家来听听吧… 这绝对是一首非常动听的音乐..


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Small update

A few minutes ago, I saw my friend’s wall post written that he is not perfect enough in this semester, because of too much of carelessness and this really make him down. Some words are suddenly come out from my mind. Actually, in our life, we’re the one who can control all the thing to happen. In another word, we’re the champion in our life! From what others said, since we was born, WE’re the champion among the billions or trillions of “siblings”! This sentence is definitely 100% correct! LOL!

I had read a book named “The Secret” before, this is a fantastic book. After you read it, you will feel you get alot of energy in your body. Inside the book, you will believe that you’re always the best among the others. It can always energize me when I felt disappointed. May be something is impossible to happen, but you will able to do it better after you get the energy.

imagesThis is a very popular book in the previous years ago, written by Rhonda Byrne.


rhonda_byrne (1)

This is the writer of the book, Rhonda Byrne.

Believe yourself you can do it then sure you can do it. If you never believe yourself, how you’re going to do? How you’re going to maximize your potential until beyond your ability? LOL! It’s possible to make anything happen in your life! Believe it without any hesitate in what you’re doing~

Keep on to struggle for your life to get a bright future! I always believe that I can do it! Because I always believe that I’m the one and the only one can control all the thing to happen in my life, no matter what happen in my life! I’m GOD in my life!

NEVER GIVE UP! As you believe you can do it, sure you will get what you want.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Feelings of after midterm

After my midterm exam for colloid chemistry, I felt very sad that how come I cannot remember whatever I had read. I start to realize my memorizing ability is it already reached to the maximum. Hear from others, our brain can be occupied by the millions of books from 500 libraries. But how come I cannot but others can did it well? Sometimes, I really felt disappointed to myself.

Besides, the subjects in this semester are seem difficult especially for the second part of transition. I don’t how to cope the subject with the given notes which is not much thing to read. The given lecture notes is only attached with few slides and limited information for that topics. I really worrying how am I going to overcome this problem. I know that borrowing a reference book from library is an alternative to solve the problem. Unfortunately, for my studying style, I will be bored and feel sleepy when I had to face a reference book with thousands of pages.

For the next coming lab test, I don’t what can I read. Even the lecturer Dr. Yip ask us not to study, because as he said, there is nothing to read for this colloid chemistry lab test. However, I felt not secure if I did not read anything before examination. This lecturer always set alot of traps in our exam. Since last time midterm test, I had “fallen” into his traps.. >.< So, for his exam, I promised myself not to get into his trap again!

For this few days, I felt that my time was wasted on facebook and online game. I just spammed my friend’s wall post with the cooperation from other coursemate. Felt excited and enjoy the process when we’re spamming her wall post. LOL But, at the same time, I’m felt so sad that got complains from cousins. Cousins, sorry.. Please blame to my lecturers who did not give me again lab report to do in my weekend, don’t blame me.. XP

I still have another BORING Sunday to go. Study? I don’t even have the “ohm” to study. I had planned to finish at least one of the organic lecture notes by today. But, the fact is i had spent my time to sleep for 3 hours snap and spammed other’s facebook wall post. Just because the extremely hot weather in kampar had make me so sleepy when I facing my notes.. >.<

God, please give me motivation to study all the things I suppose to study. Seriously, I need your guidelines to let me understand all the notes and get the correct answers in the coming exams. I’m praying hard everyday that I hope to get a good internship company in Ipoh..



Just cash out some money from my account. Hope to get it as soon  as possible! XD Money money~ I love you all~ I’m happy because this is my first time to cash out money. XD If you’re interested to earn money like me. Please refer to me for more info~ XD
